29 research outputs found

    La teología poética de Karol Wojtyπa: Sus primeros escritos como fuente de su pensamiento maduro

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de los primeros escritos de Karol Wojtyπa como clave para comprender el posterior desarrollo de su pensamiento. Nuestra tesis es que el núcleo esencial de su propia visión filosófica y teológica se encuentra ya en sus obras literarias (poesías y dramas) y en su tesis doctoral dedicada a la teología de fe en los escritos de san Juan de la Cruz. Estos dos momentos, la poesía, que aparece en su vida por primera vez cuando tiene 18 años, y su interés por la mística española, se apoyan y enriquecen mutuamente. En estas primeras obras puede descubrirse la verdadera fuente del pensamiento del futuro papa Juan Pablo II.The papar intends an analysis of the early writings of Karol Wojtyπa, which are essential to understand the subsequent development of his thought. Our thesis is that the core of Wojtyπa’s own philosophical and theological vision is already present both in his early literary works (poems and dramas) and in his doctoral thesis. These two mutually support and enrich eachother. Therefore, the writings in question here may be dealt with as the true source of the thought of John Paul II

    La teología poética de Karol Wojtyπa: Sus primeros escritos como fuente de su pensamiento maduro

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de los primeros escritos de Karol Wojtyπa como clave para comprender el posterior desarrollo de su pensamiento. Nuestra tesis es que el núcleo esencial de su propia visión filosófica y teológica se encuentra ya en sus obras literarias (poesías y dramas) y en su tesis doctoral dedicada a la teología de fe en los escritos de san Juan de la Cruz. Estos dos momentos, la poesía, que aparece en su vida por primera vez cuando tiene 18 años, y su interés por la mística española, se apoyan y enriquecen mutuamente. En estas primeras obras puede descubrirse la verdadera fuente del pensamiento del futuro papa Juan Pablo II.The papar intends an analysis of the early writings of Karol Wojtyπa, which are essential to understand the subsequent development of his thought. Our thesis is that the core of Wojtyπa’s own philosophical and theological vision is already present both in his early literary works (poems and dramas) and in his doctoral thesis. These two mutually support and enrich eachother. Therefore, the writings in question here may be dealt with as the true source of the thought of John Paul II

    10 simple rules to create a serious game, illustrated with examples from structural biology

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    Serious scientific games are games whose purpose is not only fun. In the field of science, the serious goals include crucial activities for scientists: outreach, teaching and research. The number of serious games is increasing rapidly, in particular citizen science games, games that allow people to produce and/or analyze scientific data. Interestingly, it is possible to build a set of rules providing a guideline to create or improve serious games. We present arguments gathered from our own experience ( Phylo , DocMolecules , HiRE-RNA contest and Pangu) as well as examples from the growing literature on scientific serious games

    Data Processing Programs for Analysis of Diffraction Images of Macromolecular Crystals Recorded using Synchrotron Radiation

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    Besides the crystal preparation, the first and crucial step in the process of protein structure determination is proper processing of the collected diffraction images, as they provide the experimental observations used throughout the entire process of structure solution and refinement. In the last two decades several computer programs have been developed. Among the most used and popular are: HKL2000, MOSFLM, d*TREK and XDS package. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of the data processing programs, several very different data sets, including diffraction data from DNA/RNA and protein crystals were tested. It has been found that all the major programs for processing and analysis of diffraction data give excellent and comparable results with good quality, medium resolution data sets, but their treatment of very high resolution or imperfect data differs in terms of indexing, spot integration, scaling and the treatment of errors. If the diffraction data are of good quality and the problem is relatively straightforward, the automated approach to data processing may be most appropriate. On the other hand, if one is trying to squeeze out as much information from the experimental data as possible, then only expert manual processing can be successful, regardless of the data quality

    Automation and Remote Synchrotron Data Collection

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    X-ray crystallography is the natural choice for macromolecular structure determination by virtue of its accuracy, speed, and potential for further speed gains, while synchrotron radiation is indispensable because of its intensity and tuneability. Good X-ray crystallographic diffraction patterns are essential and frequently this is achievable through using the few large synchrotrons located worldwide. Beamline time on these facilities have long queues, and increasing the efficiency of utilization of these facilities will help in expediting the structure determination process. Automation and remote data collection are therefore essential steps in ensuring that macromolecular structure determination becomes a very high throughput process

    Automation and Remote Synchrotron Data Collection

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    X-ray crystallography is the natural choice for macromolecular structure determination by virtue of its accuracy, speed, and potential for further speed gains, while synchrotron radiation is indispensable because of its intensity and tuneability. Good X-ray crystallographic diffraction patterns are essential and frequently this is achievable through using the few large synchrotrons located worldwide. Beamline time on these facilities have long queues, and increasing the efficiency of utilization of these facilities will help in expediting the structure determination process. Automation and remote data collection are therefore essential steps in ensuring that macromolecular structure determination becomes a very high throughput process

    High resolution crystallography of macromolecules

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    The recent developments and availability of modern third-generation synchrotron radiation facilities have a huge impact on macromolecular X-ray crystallography. In connection with a number of methodological improvements and new crystallographic software ranging from data processing to refinement, a unique opportunity has arisen to determine the macromolecular structures with unprecedented high resolution and quality, at a level traditionally reserved for small molecules. At this resolution, individual atoms are clearly resolved and fine details of the structures become visible directly in the electron density maps. The great importance of such structures is the possibility of having broader insights into macromolecule function. At very high resolution, hydrogen atoms can be seen in electron density maps and the detailed information about the protonation states of catalytically important residues can be studied, what often is critical for full understanding of enzymatic reactions. Atomic resolution gives the opportunity for clear definition of multiple conformations, although the proportion of disordered residues is higher at higher resolution, and the disorder is seen as distinct alternative conformations. Water in macromolecular crystal plays an important role in macromolecule’s function and stabilization. Ultrahigh resolution data allows to refine water molecules with anisotropic displacement parameters and refine them with fractional occupancies. In this situation analyzing the subtle hydrogen bond network, involving precisely located water molecules, is possible. Atomic resolution structures can be refined without or with only very weak stereochemical restraints. Macromolecular models refined at ultrahigh resolutions, for well ordered structures, can be used for validation and improvement of stereochemical restraint libraries, commonly used during refinement of macromolecular structures

    Urban housing environment revitalization - spatial and social aspects

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    Artykuł dotyczy analizy stanu istniejącego i możliwości miejskiego środowiska mieszkaniowego w wybranym fragmencie dzielnicy Górna w Łodzi. Jednocześnie podejmuje próbę oceny wpływu niektórych inwestycji, przeprowadzonych po 1990 roku, na przestrzeń codzienną mieszkańców tej okolicy. Doświadczenia i wnioski z pojedynczych inwestycji i ich skutków ujawniły, że inwestowanie w środowisku mieszkaniowym posiadającym charakter i tradycje wymaga szczególnej analizy istniejących uwarunkowań przestrzennych i związanych z nimi zachowań mieszkańców. Spostrzeżenia te powinny przypomnieć o konieczności wykorzystywania badań nad związkami lokalnych społeczności z ich środowiskiem przy opracowywaniu wszelkich planów miejscowych i programów rewitalizacji.The study of relations between people and their environment is necessity in the study of town space, development and urban planning. Mind Maps with the preferences of local citizens should be prepared as one of the many elements of development planning. Identity of place and behaviour of people in this place should be very important for planning process. The guality of surrounding area depends on precise analisys of context

    La teología poética de Karol Wojtyπa: Sus primeros escritos como fuente de su pensamiento maduro

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de los primeros escritos de Karol Wojtyπa como clave para comprender el posterior desarrollo de su pensamiento. Nuestra tesis es que el núcleo esencial de su propia visión filosófica y teológica se encuentra ya en sus obras literarias (poesías y dramas) y en su tesis doctoral dedicada a la teología de fe en los escritos de san Juan de la Cruz. Estos dos momentos, la poesía, que aparece en su vida por primera vez cuando tiene 18 años, y su interés por la mística española, se apoyan y enriquecen mutuamente. En estas primeras obras puede descubrirse la verdadera fuente del pensamiento del futuro papa Juan Pablo II.The papar intends an analysis of the early writings of Karol Wojtyπa, which are essential to understand the subsequent development of his thought. Our thesis is that the core of Wojtyπa’s own philosophical and theological vision is already present both in his early literary works (poems and dramas) and in his doctoral thesis. These two mutually support and enrich eachother. Therefore, the writings in question here may be dealt with as the true source of the thought of John Paul II

    La teología poética de Karol Wojtyπa: Sus primeros escritos como fuente de su pensamiento maduro

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de los primeros escritos de Karol Wojtyπa como clave para comprender el posterior desarrollo de su pensamiento. Nuestra tesis es que el núcleo esencial de su propia visión filosófica y teológica se encuentra ya en sus obras literarias (poesías y dramas) y en su tesis doctoral dedicada a la teología de fe en los escritos de san Juan de la Cruz. Estos dos momentos, la poesía, que aparece en su vida por primera vez cuando tiene 18 años, y su interés por la mística española, se apoyan y enriquecen mutuamente. En estas primeras obras puede descubrirse la verdadera fuente del pensamiento del futuro papa Juan Pablo II.The papar intends an analysis of the early writings of Karol Wojtyπa, which are essential to understand the subsequent development of his thought. Our thesis is that the core of Wojtyπa’s own philosophical and theological vision is already present both in his early literary works (poems and dramas) and in his doctoral thesis. These two mutually support and enrich eachother. Therefore, the writings in question here may be dealt with as the true source of the thought of John Paul II